Do you want to volunteer for a few hours or are you looking to get involved in an ongoing community project or organization? Whatever your interest, there is something for you in Highlands East.
Cardiff Community Club |
The Cardiff Community Club organizes activities such as carpet bowling, shuffle board, euchre and pickle ball. They meet five times a year for a pot luck meal. For more Information, please call the municipal office 705-448-2981 or email us. |
Cardiff Light the Night Group |
The Cardiff Light the Night Group organizes the annual tree lighting event in Cardiff with Santa Claus, hot chocolate, hot cider and a bonfire. For more Information, please call the municipal office 705-448-2981 or email us. |
Central Food Network |
Under the umbrella of the Central Food Network, four organizations work for the benefit of residents: Heat Bank, Wilberforce Food Bank, Cardiff Food Bank and the Community Cooks program. For information on how to get involved in any of these groups, go to the Central Food Network website or phone 705-448-9711 |
Gooderham Community Action Group |
The Gooderham Community Action group (GCAG) consists of people who are willing to work for and with the community towards a better future. They are always looking for new members and meet on the first Wednesday of every month. You can email the group at gcag503@gmail.com. |
Highlands East Skating Club |
The Highlands East Skating Club organizes figure skating lessons and the annual skating carnival. To volunteer email the Club at highlandseastskatingclub@gmail.com |
Highlands East Volunteer Fire Department |
Information on how to join the Volunteer Fire Department is on the Recruitment page. |
Irondale -Bark Lake Cultural Developments |
Irondale -Bark Lake Cultural Developments organizes events in the community of Irondale. To learn more email Bark Lake Cultural Developments at historical@irondaleontario.ca |
Kidd Schoolhouse Historical Society |
For more Information, please call the municipal office 705-448-2981 or email us. |
Places for People |
Places for People operates a property in Highlands East and always welcome volunteers. |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 566 Cardiff |
To find out how you can get involved in activities held at the Cardiff legion, call 613-339-9973 |
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 624 Wilberforce |
To find out how you can get involved in activities held at the Wilberforce legion, call 705-448-2221 |
Santa Clause Parade Committee |
The annual Santa Clause parade in Wilberforce is followed by refreshments and gifts for the children. To find out how you can get help with this event, please call the municipal office 705-448-2981 or email us. |
Wilberforce Agricultural Society (Fair) |
The Wilberforce Agricultural Society hosts the annual Fair in Wilberforce the weekend following the August civic holiday. The board meets on the third Tuesday of the month to plan. For more information email the secretary at info@wilberforcefair.com |
Wilberforce Curling Club |
Wilberforce Curling Club hosts daily league play throughout the season, bonspiels, community events, clinics, and a junior curling program. To find out how to get involved email the curling club at wilberforcecurling@gmail.com |
Wilberforce FUNraising Committee |
Wilberforce FUNraising Committee organizes and supports activates in the community for the fun of it! To find out how to get involved, please call the municipal office 705-448-2981 or email us. |
Wilberforce Heritage Guild |
Wilberforce Heritage Guild, is a registered charitable foundation established for the purpose of preserving and restoring historic sites as well as collecting and displaying artifacts related to the history of the former Monmouth Township, now Highlands East, and its surrounding area. For more information email the Heritage Guild at redcrossoutpost@gmail.com |