Rent a Facility

Highlands East has a number of facilities available for rent for private functions or group events. These include but are not limited to:

  • Conferences or Meetings
  • Recreational Activities such as Yoga, Dance and Karate
  • Weddings, Receptions, Family Reunions and Funeral Services
  • Fund Raisers, Flea Markets or Theatre Productions

Contact Information

For any Arena rental inquiries or bookings please call the Arena's direct line at 705-448-2772 or email the Property Supervisor.

For information on other facilities and availability please contact 705-448-2981 or email us.


All functions require insurance coverage. This can be purchased through the Municipality or you can provide your own proof of insurance to us before the rental date.


Facility rentals are subject to security deposits and key deposits. These deposits are refundable within 72 hours of rental if the facility is left in as found condition.


Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre

This air conditioned facility is located at 2249 Loop Road, in Wilberforce. It is adjacent to a park and fair grounds.

The facility is 3840 square feet. It seats 225, Serves 150, and is Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) Licensed for 442 people. The stage area is 400 square feet. The fireside lounge area has a seating capacity of 50 people.

Keith Tallman Memorial Arena

Located at 2256 Loop Road, across from the Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre.

The Ice Season runs from mid-October to the end of March. This facility is available for rental in the off season from May to September.

Maximum 1125 person capacity.

Contact Information

Birthday Party Rentals

The arena can be booked for children’s birthday parties and includes an extra 30 minutes of free lobby time.

Arena Advertisements

Hockey continues to be Canada's game of choice. The local arena venue is a gathering place for neighbours and an essential part of the local community. Consider the advantages of having your local business advertised with us.
Prime Locations

Large 3' x 8' installation: $400.00, Annual Rental fee: $250.00 per year

Small 3' x 4' installation: $275.00, Annual Rental fee: $150.00 per year

Secondary Location

Large 3' x 8' installation: $300.00, Annual Rental fee: $175.00 per year

Small 3' x 4' installation: $200.00, Annual Rental fee: $100.00 per year

All fees are subject to HST, the annual rental fee is invoiced annually on October 1 and is prorated from the month of installation.

Disclaimers and other information
  • New signs do not get installed until payment is received.
  • The advertiser is responsible for the cost of sign production.
  • Graphics for the walls are to be produced on one-half inch ceroplastic. Graphics for the boards are to be produced on 1/16 inch styrene a product that can be removed for later use.
  • Arena board ads will be covered by lexan (supplied by Highlands East).
  • Sign will be installed by Highlands East.
  • Arena Walls support signs measuring 48” x 96” and signs for arena boards can be 32” x 96” or 36” x 96”.

For advertising enquiries please call 705-448-2772 or 705-448-2981.

Cardiff Community Centre

The Cardiff Community Centre is located in the village of Cardiff at 2747 Monck Road. This facility has 2400 square feet of floor space. The kitchen is 320 square feet. The facility serves, seats and is LCBO licensed for 133 people.

Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre

The Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre is located in Gooderham at 1043 Community Centre Road. This facility has both a main hall and a banquet room. The main hall is 1620 square feet of floor space, seats 200 and is LCBO Licensed for 204. The Banquet room is 792 square feet of floor space. It seats 75 and is LCBO Licensed for the same. The kitchen is 460 square feet, while the bar area is 132 square feet.

Highland Grove Community Centre

This Community Centre is located at 5373 Loop Road. This facility is 1920 square feet of floor space and has a seating capacity of 50. It is LCBO Licensed for 62 people. The kitchen area is 130 square feet in size.

Wilberforce Curling Club

The Curling Club is located at 2733 Essonville Line in Wilberforce. The ice season runs from November to March. The facility is available for other events from May to September.

Visit for more information.

Cardiff Pool

This outdoor facility is located at 2 Balsam Street in the village of Cardiff. The pool is open during July and August.

Please visit Swimming and Swim Lessons for hours of operation and swimming lesson details. You can call the Highlands East main office in Wilberforce at 705-448-2981 or email us.


Off Highway 118 turn onto Monck Road. Proceed on Monck Road and turn left onto Sprucedale Street, just past the Cardiff Community Centre. Remain on Sprucedale Street through the village. Turn left onto Balsam Street. Balsam Street is the only left turn street off Sprucedale Street. The pool is set back off the roadway and is located on the left side of the street.

Essonville Historic Church

This historic church is located at 1363 Essonville Line and is available for rentals.

Rental rate

The rental fee is $120 (with the exception of funerals where no charge will apply).

Book a rental

For more information or to book a rental, please visit the Essonville Historic Church website or call the Municipal Office at 705-448-2981.


Community Centre Rental Fees
Community Centres and Rental Rates
Facility*Full Day Rate**Half Day Rate**
Cardiff Community Centre (Capacity: 133)

$120 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Highland Grove Community Centre (Capacity: 50)

$100 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre, Main Hall (Capacity: 225)
Lloyd Watson Memorial Community Centre, Lounge (Capacity: 50)

$160 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre, Main Hall (Capacity: 200)
Robert McCausland Memorial Community Centre, Banquet Hall (Capacity: 75)

$140 plus HST

$100 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

$50 plus HST

$50 Deposit

$20 Key Deposit

Repetitive use pricing of $25 per hour plus HST, where the same facility is booked/used three (3) or more times per year, is available for all Community Centres.

*All events require a minimum of two (2) million dollars of liability insurance that can be purchased through the Municipality.

**Non-profit Community Groups, Fund Raising and Educational Sessions held at no charge with complete application and approved fee waiver.

Arena Rental Fees
Keith Tallman Memorial Arena Rental Rates
Rental Type*Hourly Rate**
Winter Prime Time (Monday to Sunday after 5:00 p.m.)

$95 plus HST

Winter Non-Prime Time (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

$60 plus HST

Summer Prime Time (Monday to Sunday after 5:00 p.m.)

$40 plus HST

Summer Non-Prime Time (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) $25 plus HST
Birthday Parties (includes extra 30 minutes of free lobby time)

$60 plus HST

*All events require a minimum of two million dollars of liability insurance that can be purchased through the Municipality.

**Full Day Rate not available.


Fee Waiver Policy

Special Community Events held by Non-profit Groups and Organizations can be held at no charge with a completed and approved Fee Waiver Application. You can read the entire Fee Waiver Policy on CivicWeb and we encourage you to review the Fee Waiver Fast Facts below to help ensure that you qualify for a waiver before you apply.

Fee Waiver Fast Facts

What kind of events are eligible?

We define a Special/Community Event as an event hosted by a not-for-profit organization that provides a program, service or financial contributions primarily to the residents of Highlands East, is free for the public to attend and must not duplicate or conflict with an existing program.

What kind of groups are eligible?

The following organizations are eligible to have their fee's waived:

Community Health Promotion Groups

We define Community Health Promotion Groups as not-for-profit organizations that provide programs, services or financial contributions primarily to the residents of Highlands East related to the promotion, education or in support of health services. Example groups include the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit and Ontario Early Years Haliburton.

Community Organizations

We define a Community Organization as a not-for-profit organization that provides a program, service or financial contribution primarily to the residents of Highlands East on a cost recovery basis. Organizations providing benefits to their members only via membership fees are excluded from this policy (eg. Special Interest Groups, Business Associations or Political Groups).

Senior or Youth Organizations

We define Senior or Youth Organizations as not-for-profit organizations that provide a program, service or financial contribution primarily to senior or youth residents of Highlands East on a cost recovery basis and includes senior and youth organizations, such as Girl Guides, minor sports and schools.

Service Clubs

Service Clubs are voluntary not-for-profit organizations where members meet regularly to perform charitable works either by direct hands-on efforts or by raising money for other organizations. A service club is defined firstly by its service mission and secondly by its membership benefits, such as social occasions, networking, and personal growth opportunities that encourage involvement. Service Clubs include Lions, Rotary, Kinsmen and the Knights of Columbus.

What kind of groups and events are not eligible?

  • Private events such as weddings, birthdays, anniversary parties etc.
  • For-profit organizations, individuals or groups and businesses.
  • Events or activities that are not open to the general public.
  • Organizations based outside the Municipality. (Unless the demonstrated benefits are primarily to the residents of Highlands East.)
  • Projects or organizations that did not fulfill their obligations during previous events or activities for which facility permit fees were waived or reduced.
  • Events or activities involving alcoholic beverages where the proceeds are for profit and not being directly donated to the charity or cause that the fee has been waived for.

Apply for a Fee Waiver

Visit our online Facility Rental Fee Waiver Application form to apply to have your organization's rental fee waived.

Apply for a Fee Waiver

Rental Application and Payments

Visit our Hosting an Event page for a helpful list of steps to take when planning your event.

To apply to rent a facility, first complete the online rental request form.

A staff member will review your application, confirm availability and contact you to confirm and you will then be asked to make your payment online.

Launch Facility Rental Form