Septic System Permits


Highlands East uses Cloudpermit to manage building permits digitally. Cloudpermit allows you to apply for and to see the status of your building (and septic system) permit application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application.

Learn more about getting started with the Cloudpermit building permit system.

Start your application with Cloudpermit

Septic System Application Documents

The PDF file available for download below contains documents that applicants must complete and upload to Cloudpermit in order to complete their application.

These documents must be completed neatly and be legible. Failure to submit readable documents that are easy to decipher will result in processing delays.

The last page of these application documents is an As Built Site Plan sheet that is to be completed and made available to us at your final inspection.

Download Application Documents

Instructions for Application Documents

All forms provided in this package (with the exception of the As Built Site Plan) must be completed and uploaded to Cloudpermit along with the following other required documentation:

  1. A Site Plan referenced to an up to date survey when available or to a drawing of the lot, neatly and accurately drawn, which shall indicate:
    • the dimensions of the lot (length, width);
    • the location and size of the proposed buildings & all existing buildings;
    • location of well, septic, easements (hydro, right of way etc) & driveways;
    • the setbacks of proposed building or addition from all lot lines, the road and other buildings within 3 metres, the highwater mark, and the well and septic system;
    • indicate any survey stakes that have been located;
    • the location and setbacks of the septic tank, leaching bed and any pump chamber;
    • the loading area and 15m mantle;
    • location of wells or water supply including neighbours;
    • eavestrough discharge;
    • topographical features including slope and direction of flow.
  2. Any proposal for the use of a Class 4 treatment unit, other than a septic tanks, will require a copy of the B.M.E.C. approval for that system, and once completed will require submission of “as built” drawings and the maintenance agreement.
  3. If the applicant is not the owner of the property, or there is more than one property owner, the owner(s) must provide a letter appointing the applicant as an authorized agent.
  4. The required fees must accompany the application in accordance with Building By-law No. 2014-30, Schedule A.

Note: Incomplete applications or uploaded documents that are not completed neatly and are not able to be easily read or deciphered will not be accepted or reviewed and may be sent back to the owner or applicant.

Related applications and forms

Winter septic inspections

Winter weather affects on-site sewage installation and inspections. The Municipality of Highlands East does not conduct septic inspections during the winter months as the conditions are not conducive to installations and inspections.

When the temperatures begin to drop, call the Building Department at 705-447-0051 to ensure you can obtain an inspection.


In urgent circumstances, such as a failing system, exceptions can be made by calling the Building Department at 705-447-0051.


For more details on how to apply and what is required please see Building Permits.

Permit Fees
Non-refundable administration fee $150
Minimum building permit fee $150

Permit fees are calculated by the floor area of the proposed construction multiplied by the values as set out under Building Classifications below.

Floor area shall be the total area of all floor above grade measured to the outside face of the exterior walls.

Building Classifications
Building TypesFee

Buildings used for human habitation including dwellings, guest cabins, multi residential, second suites or additions to those buildings.

$0.80 per square foot
Renovations to existing dwellings. $0.45 per square foot
New foundation under an existing building or the interior finishing of a basement. $0.45 per square foot
Accessory buildings and/or additions to those buildings. $0.60 per square foot
Commercial, industrial and institutional buildings or additions to those buildings. $0.90 per square foot

Agricultural buildings and/or additions to those buildings.

$0.30 per square foot
Flat Rate Fees
Plumbing $200
Wood burning appliance (wood stove) $150
Decks, docks, verandahs, covered porches

$0.50 per square foot

Minimum $200

An administration fee may apply if the above are issued as standalone permits.

Other Permits
Demolition permit $150
Temporary tents over 60 square metres $100
Sea containers $100
Conditional permit $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Partial building permit $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Change of use $100 plus applicable building permit fees
Transfer of permit $100
Septic Permit Fees
Application for a Class 2, 3, 4 or 5 Septic System $875

Permit to replace the tank or bed only of a class 4 system.

Permit for the addition, renovation or change of use to an existing septic system. $450
Septic review or revision to permit. $250
On-site sewage compliance request. $250
Re-inspection of septic systems. $250
Additional Fees
Permit renewal $150
Revisions on plans $150
Additional inspections $150
Re-inspections over five years $150 per inspection
Re-inspection fee (not ready) $150
Fine for construction without a permit (in addition to the building permit fee) Double the permit fee
Order to Comply and/or Stop Work Order $200
Miscellaneous Fees
File search for copies of septic systems $100
Severance or Lot Addition Application Fees
Less than 10 acres (4.05 ha) $300
Greater than 10 acres (20.23 ha) $150
Subdivision Fees
1 to 10 lots $300
Each lot over 10 $150
Refunds of Permit Fees
Type*Refund Amount
Administrative functions only have been performed 80%
Administrative and plan examinations have been performed 45%
Permit issued but no field inspections have been made 35%
Permit issued and field inspections have been made No refund
Permit revoked in accordance with the Act, Building Code or By-law No refund

*The portion of the total calculated permit fees that may be refunded shall be a percentage of the total fees payable under this Bylaw, calculated as outlined above in regard to functions undertaken by the municipality. No refunds less than $150 will be made.


Prior to June 30, 2014, the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Health Unit was contracted by the municipality to enforce Part 8 (On-Site Sewage Systems) of the Ontario Building Code. Since July 1, 2014 the Municipality of Highlands East has been administering Part 8 in-house.