Short-Term Rentals
On April 9, 2024, Council approved and passed a by-law instituting a licensing system for short-term rental operations in Highlands East. The 2024-32 Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law along with the associated Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law will come into force and effect on October 1, 2024.
Read the full By-law on CivicWeb Learn more about the Municipal Accommodation Tax
Registration now open
Click here to submit your short-term rental licensing application.
Before registering, ensure you have the following documents ready for upload:
- Owner Declaration
- Appointment of Responsible Person Form
- Licensees' Code of Conduct Form
- Certificate of Insurance
- Site Plan with parking locations
- Plan for Fire Safety
- A photo of the front and back of the short-term rental premises
- Proof of Septic Maintenance
- Proof of Ownership
- Encroachment agreement letter (if required)
For those looking for in-depth information, staff have assembled a guide for operators with information on requirements and where to find pertinent information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Why the Short-Term Rental By-law?
All four of the local municipalities worked together with the County of Haliburton to draft a short-term rental by-law to license short-term rental accommodations.
Some of the benefits of a licensing program include:
- Ensuring that short-term rentals are safe for the travelling public by requiring that appropriate building, septic, parking, and fire safety standards are maintained.
- Providing operators with a set of standard requirements to ensure that their accommodation is fit for rental and preventing substandard rental operations from being advertised.
- Protecting watersheds by ensuring that septic systems are up to code and instituting occupancy limits.
- Providing our communities with numerous mechanisms to address and resolve issues surrounding the use of properties for short-term rentals.
Determining if you need a licence
Who needs a licence?
Anyone who is renting all or part of their dwelling for a period of less than 28 days must be licensed.
Who doesn’t need a licence?
The licensing by-law does not apply to bed and breakfast operators, those operating tourist resorts, trailer parks, or campgrounds. The licensing by-law also does not apply for landlords who have long term rentals.
Unsure if the by-law applies to you? Please please email to clarify.
Who cannot be licensed?
You may not operate a short-term rental if:
- You are a tenant (only property owners may license a short-term rental);
- Your property is designated as community housing;
- Your operation is not within a habitable room (as defined by the bylaw);
- Your operation is in a building or dwelling unit that is illegal, unlawful, or not compliant with Ontario Building Code;
- Your operation is within a non-building or structure such as a vehicle, camper, tent, trailer, etc.;
- Your operation is within a marine vessel;
- Your building or structure is located on the Municipality’s shoreline road allowance and you have not been granted an encroachment agreement;
- Your operation is located within a secondary or additional dwelling unit in a waterfront, resource based recreational, or urban residential area;
- Your operation is located within any building or structure prohibited by this by-law.
Wondering if the above applies to you? Please please email to clarify.
Getting licensed
Licences will be issued through Granicus, who provide an online platform that many Canadian municipalities use for short-term rental licensing and compliance monitoring.
Required Information for Applications |
The following will be required as part of a complete application for licence:
Obligations of the Licencee |
Shoreline Road Allowances |
Short term rental premises must be located on the licensee's own property. On many lakes and rivers in Highlands East, there are sixty-six foot wide shoreline road allowances. Some of these road allowances are entirely under water, some are entirely on dry land, and some are partially submerged. To learn more about shoreline road allowances, please visit our Environment and Shorelines page for more information. Section 2.2 h) of the Short-Term Rental By-law states the following: No Person shall market, operate, provide, or allow the Use of a Short-Term Rental in: i. Where any Building or Structure, in part or in whole, is located on municipally owned land, the property owner of the short-term rental shall, in the case of an abutting shoreline road allowance, make an application to purchase said road allowance. A short-term encroachment agreement may be permitted in the interim period prior to the conveyance of the shore road allowance in accordance with the Municipality’s Use of Municipal Land Policy. ii. Where the Structure located on the municipally owned shore road allowance directly abutting the property is only a floating or pole dock, the registered property owner shall enter into an encroachment agreement in accordance with the Municipality’s Use of Municipal Land Policy. iii. Where the Building or Structure is located across a municipally maintained road from the property subject to the licence, the property owner shall enter into an encroachment agreement in accordance with the Municipality’s Use of Municipal Land Policy. iv. A licence for short-term rental will not be granted until all appropriate encroachment agreements and other required agreements are in place. This means that if your cottage, guest cabin, deck, or other permanent amenity space like a gazebo is located on the shoreline road allowance, an application to purchase the shoreline road allowance will be a requirement of your licence. As shoreline purchases can take up to two years to complete, Council has authorized staff to administer an encroachment agreement for up to three years while the purchase is being completed. Where your only encroachment is a floating or pole dock (ie, a non-permanent or fixed dock), you will be required to enter into an encroachment agreement for the duration of your licence period and will be required to provide liability insurance to protect the Municipality from claims stemming from the use of the shoreline road allowance. Where your dock or amenity space is located across a municipally owned roadway, you must apply for and be granted an encroachment agreement by Council before your licence is issued. |
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long is the Licencing Period? |
- A licence period is 1 year, or until the property is sold or transferred to a new owner. In that situation, a new licence is required. |
What does a licence cost? |
The yearly fee for the licence is $500 in 2024. For this and other costs related to the Short-Term Rental By-law, please visit our Fees page. |
What must be posted in a licensed rental? |
The following must be posted in a prominent area of the rental:
A sign will be required to be posted by the 911 number at the driveway. |
How do I know if I need to buy my shoreline road allowance or get an encroachment agreement? |
It is important for licencees to be aware of their property boundaries. The most straightforward means by which to confirm whether you have a shoreline road allowance to deal with is to have an updated survey completed by a qualified Ontario Land Surveyor. If you make an application to licence a short-term rental and it appears that any structures or buildings may be potentially located on the shoreline road allowance, staff will require the following prior to issuing a licence:
Unsure if your shoreline road allowance is owned? Do you have a survey but are not sure if it satisfies requirements? Please feel free to reach out to staff and we would be pleased to review. |
Who is responsible for the short-term rental? |
Short term rental licences are issued to the legal property owner. Any demerits, administrative penalties, fines, or orders will be issued to the legal property owner. Many property owners engage third party management companies or agents to assist in the advertising, vetting, and rental of their properties. They delegate the authority for the management and maintenance of their properties to these companies or individuals. In the short-term rental by-law, these third parties are called Responsible Persons. Care should be given in appointing a responsible person, as ultimately, all matters pertaining to the property are the responsibility of the property owner, should the responsible person fail to fulfill their obligations. |
Can I advertise my rental before my licence is issued? |
After October 1, 2024, any property advertised for short-term rental in any media (newspaper, online, etc.) must be licensed and the licence number must be included in the advertisement. |
Do I have to charge extra taxes on my rental? |
Yes, our Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law requires STR operators to collect and remit a Municipal Accommodation Tax. To learn more visit our Municipal Accommodation Tax page. |
How do I determine my occupancy? |
ExampleA three bedroom cottage with a one bedroom guest cabin will have a total occupancy of eight people and will require a minimum of four parking spots. The septic system must be rated for four bedrooms and the appropriate number of fixtures located within the dwelling and guest cabin. |