The blue box in Cardiff with glass door and books inside.

Little Free Library now in Cardiff

A new Little Free Library has popped up in Cardiff. The Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee of Highlands East recommended to council the idea of a Little Free Library (LFL) pilot program and the community of Cardiff was chosen as the location. It has now been installed in front of the Cardiff Community Centre.

About Little Free Library

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization with more than 100,000 little libraries worldwide. A LFL is a free book exchange. It offers a way to connect with neighbours and share favourite books of all kinds - books that teach, intrigue and engage. It belongs to everyone, and everyone can use it!

Take a book, leave a book

If you see something you would like to read, take it. When you’re finished, share it with a friend, bring it back, or leave it in another LFL. It’s up to everyone to keep the Library full of high quality books, bringing books to share.