Conflict of Interest Registry

 In carrying out their duties as Elected and Appointed Officials, all members of Council, Committees and Local Boards are required to disclose a pecuniary interest in any matter under consideration where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial gain or loss by the member or a related person as identified in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

When a member discloses an interest, they file a disclosure form containing a written statement of the interest and its general nature with the clerk of the municipality or the secretary of the committee or local board.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires the Municipality to establish and maintain a registry detailing these declarations of pecuniary interest and provide access to this registry to all interested parties.

In accordance with s.6.1 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, every municipality and local board shall establish and maintain a registry in which shall be kept,

(a)       A copy of each statement filed under s.5.1, and

(b)       A copy of each declaration recorded under section 6.

The registry shall be available to the public for inspection in the manner and during the time that the municipality or local board, as the case may be, may determine.

The registry is available for viewing at the Municipal Office at 2249 Loop Road, Wilberforce in the Clerk's Office.